Monday, February 21, 2011

Birthday of Prophet II

For us Muslims the Prophet Muhammad, the prophet would love to make the prophet as a role model in our lives. Exemplary prophet Muhammad SAW was not because of the power of government and state political power is so great that owned the Prophet. He became a role model for mankind because of virtue and morality that are owned, "Indeed there has been on (myself) that Rasulullah suriteladan good for you (that is) for people who expect (grace) of God and the (arrival) Day of Resurrection and he is much mention of God . (Surat al-Ahzab: 21).

Imitate the prophet means to emulate how the prophet build ridho households earn Allah. The Prophet with his wife, Siti Khadijah always trying to get to realize and foster a sense of mutual love love, love love, respect and always maintain a good reputation and helping in goodness and piety. Prophet maintain, care for and educate their children with full responsibility and compassion so that her children always believe and fear Allah, so that their lives useful and happy.

Prophet Muhammad always instill faith and devotion to the people they lead, always strive for brotherhood among muslims (ukhwah Islamiyah) materialized, frequently consulted with his companions, trying to erode the influence of material from within the Muslims. Prophet Muhammad was the leader of a consistent, firm stance in upholding truth and justice.

Prophet Muhammad also always try to maintain and improve the health, cleanliness and beauty of the Islamic body. Always familiarize themselves with exemplary character and to distance themselves from the despicable character, pious and enterprising charity that benefits the people. So Allah praises the Prophet: "And thou (Muhammad) is really a great virtuous character." (Surat al-Pen: 4).

Prophet Muhammad was a person who has a high sense of affection towards orphans, the poor and people displaced. Love the prophet not only to fellow human beings, even towards animals and other creatures of God's creation.

Imitate the Prophet Muhammad meant to emulate keperibadian him as a trusted leader (trust) not only from people but from God. Leadership is trustworthy (trust) was achieved because the prophet always develop a personality that puts a good moral attitude and honesty (Siddiq), improving skills and convey what it is (tabligh) and develop the capacity and intelligence (fathanah).

Love and emulate the Prophet not because we want to be a prophet. As an imperfect human being, not always true, all-limited, never escape from all the mistakes and do injustice to fellow human beings, we love and emulate the Prophet because he wanted to get a guarantee and Intercessory of the Prophet in the hereafter.

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